Yamaha also uses "zero based" Patch numbering and not "one based".

What that means is that the first Patch, Grand Piano, on a lot of Yamaha synths is number 000, while on the rest of the world's synths it is 001. And all other Patches will also be "one off" from the GM Patchlist.

Not to worry, thought, Band in a Box has a setting for using Yamaha zero-based synths, it is located in the GM menu. Set it for Yamaha and try again.

Be adised that if you are not using your Yamaha as the playback MIDI synth, but are using a software synth inside BiaB, then that synth is likely one-based but the MIDI files imported from your Yamaha are likely using zero-based patch numbering. Some Yamaha synths have a way in their menus to export a Standard MIDI File, which will automatically change the numbering to one-based. Some do not, check your user manual for that Yamaha to find out. Powertracks or RealBand may also be able to change the Patch Numbering of a MIDI file. BiaB, you can also do so but it may be a bit more "manual" in nature.
