
Don't know if there are any Drum Supertracks in our future, but we already have Live MIDI Drums in many of the MIDI styles. These were made using a live drummer playing a MIDI drumkit and, of course, recorded as MIDI and then placed into the Style.


Read that again.

Now read this, taken from the BiaB FAQs:


105. In the StyleMaker, what is the difference between a drum grid pattern and a live drum pattern?

There are two types of drum patterns - (1) patterns that you input into the drum grid editor, and (2) "live" drum patterns that are imported from MIDI files, usually after having been recorded using an external synth/drum machine.

Many of the newer Band-in-a-Box styles use live drum patterns, which are identified in the main StyleMaker window with a red outline around the pattern. To edit an existing live drum pattern, select the pattern and click on the Notation button to open the StyleMaker Pattern Editor. You will notice that each different MIDI note is for a different drum sound. Live drum patterns cannot be edited using the drum grid editor.

To record a new live drum pattern, you must first record the drums outside the StyleMaker. You can use either Band-in-a-Box or a MIDI sequencer such as PowerTracks Pro Audio. Save the recording as a MIDI file, then use the Pattern | Import Pattern from MIDI file command to import it into the StyleMaker.

Note that by default all drum patterns are 4 beat (1 bar) patterns but you can specify any live drum pattern to be an 8 beat (2 bar) pattern by checking the "2 bar pattern OK" box in the Pattern Options dialog.

Invoking a Style that uses MIDI Live Drums, we can utilize MIDI synths that tout great drum samples in them, some rivaling the sound of RealDtums.

Exporting the Live MIDI drum track to a fullblown sequencer, such as RealBand or Powertracks, we can even separate the drum intruments to different tracks and record a different sound to audio from each one. This can be really good to do for certain Rock, Latin and other genres where you wish to be able to both control the drumkit by the individual instrument, as well as the ability to apply audio effects to just one drum instrument, for example, the Kick.
