Still lookin' for that thang, Ed?

There's another way to go, since its basically a gag gift.

One inexpensive 4-string plank bass.

One pack of aluminum oxide sanding paper from the local auto parts.

One can of flat white auto paint of the same type as the pink.

One or two cans of Hot Pink spraypaint, from auto shop also.

One can of clear acrylic topcote from same place.

Remove neck, pups, etc. and sand body to give it some "tooth" to adhere the new paint. Start with about 220grit or so. Move to maybe 400 grit.

Well ventilated area, and wear a paper face filter, 'K?

Hang body from kotanga alloy or rope.

Paint it white first, to make it easier for the PINK to cover, also for that necessary glow. Couple light coats should do it at most, then light wetsanding with the 100grit, again just for "tooth" on the new paint.

Light coats, letting each very light coat dry thoroughly before applying the next coat. First coat should be barely existent, looking like tiny dots. repeat, repeat, repeat, building up those thin layers.

After she's all Pink, a light wet (with water) sanding of the pink paint with 100grit.

Apply clearkote, again light coat is better, if it looks like it needs more gloss after the first light coat dries, repeat with another very light coat.

Screw it all back together and done.

Lazy man's method:

Use screwdriver to remove neck, pups and etc. from body, drop only the body off at a local Autobody shop, tell the cat you want in in bright Pink. Pay the man, but not too much. Reassemble.
