
Why would restarting the computer affect the file playback. turning the program off and on didn't. Doesn't make sense to me.

Something must be attempting to load at startup and sometimes it completes whatever its task is and other times it doesn't. Might keep on polling and polling for it, though. Could be internet releted, like something trying to phone home and written poorly, but could also be a non-internet related proggie and a simple timing problem at bootup that allows it to complete sometimes and not at others. Might be a virus scanner that looks for updates when booting, something like that. I do know that Avast! can cause audio stuttering and stuff on my laptop if I boot up and the WiFi is not online, the darn thing looks for updates at bootup. Also, even if it does find the web, if there is an update for it to download and install, that, too, creates interrupts until it is done with the routine.
