Unless and until the "other" DAW applications develop and introduce Auto-Accompaniment features as good as the ones in BB and RB, I think that any comparisons lack the necessary common-denominator.

But I'm not one to ask for one tool in my toolbox that does it all anyway. The Swiss Army Knife or the Leatherman Tools are dandy little gadgets that can solve problems simply because they are compact and always available to those who carry them. And I love my Leatherman tool. But I wouldn't pick it to do a valve job...

From the beginning I have always viewed the various softwares available to us for music making as simply being tools and have purchased and used them as I saw fit and needed to accomplish goals and objectives. Some have stood the test of time here, getting updated, others have fallen by the wayside.

At the end of the day, nobody on God's Green Earth is going to be able to tell you which software tools you used to create your project if you did your job right.

It is all simply pcm digital audio.
