I think Band in a Box is plenty of incredible rich features, and version 2009 still in that cool way!. I like some features exposed here for sure! like support for multiple VSTs, more jazz, smooth, pop and brazilian focused RTs.

What more I could love in BiaB 2010: ( maybe a little odd wishes, please, dont think of me as a obsessed audio nerd )

- Send and receive of MIDI time code/clock or SMPTE sync commands in order get BiaB synchronized with daws like Cubase, Nuendo, Sonar, Protools, etc. Example: sometimes I play and send BiaB midi data on fly to Cubase in my laptop, or in the same PC via a virtual midi cable loopback (Midiyoke or similar), then set and match Cubase midi tracks with BiaB instruments midi channels and assign differents VSTi to each one in Cubase, great! until you figure out that BiaB can´t be synchronized to external midi/audio sequencers, therefore there is not possible time sync play/record. Of course I export MIDI files from BiaB to my daws for post-production, but there is a lot of fun implied when BiaB is used like a master sequencer.

- Multiple audio port driver (ASIO) or independent dx/vst plugins routing . Currently only one stereo audio outs can be selected in BiaB, despite the audio card is multiple outs featured, for example , my M-Audio Delta 1010 card . This advanced feature Itself could let to send RDs, RTs and BiaB audio track to different outs each. Example: sometimes I record my guitar as a dry not processed signal in BiaB audio track in order, to later on, to apply my favorite guitar amp simulator VST plugin, but then RDs audio is also processed for the guitar plugin because both, audio track and RDs use the same audio route. An APR, After Plugin Routing button (similar to audio mixers AFL) for each audio source, at a point in the BiaB signal path after the Dx/VST plugin could work great.
- Multiple undos
- A fix for simultaneous audio and midi recording bug, (midi is not recorded while audio does perfectly) although I hope it be fixed in next 2009 revs.
- RV (Real Video) . Automatic generation of user performance videoclip matched to style and mood, then YouTubeit. For example, if you play a Western movie song in your BiaB you would be featured in an instant generated video dressed like a cowboy and playing banjo or fiddle. Dont want imagine If lambada or reggaeton....



...sorry for my sometimes entangled english wording ....
My demo song of Overloud TH1 , composed in BiaB, using a custom hybrid style.
Mina Sambinha another song created and recorded entirely in BiaB

Last edited by jazzpick; 01/23/09 04:05 AM.