I'm excited by what's possible in Realband... I pulled over the 7-minute big tune I've built in BIAB, along with vocals... all sounds great, but the midi bass wouldn't play at first, because I hadn't initially selected midi output, I went back and selected Microsoft midi mapper, then I could hear it, but out of sync.

So I thought, okay, must be because I selected the midi output after the file was generated, so I closed without saving, re-opened Realband, made sure the Microsoft Midi output was indicated, and then re-opened the BIAB file.

Same problem. Midi bass totally off. Forgive my extreme newbishness, but what am I doing wrong? I've been working in BIAB for over a year, and I think I want to use RB.

RB 2011 with updates, Windows 7 64-bit on an Asus UL30 low-voltage 1.3 ghz processor 500GigHD 4Gigs Ram.

Thanks, Bandmoose AKA Vincent.