
To avoid this frustration in the future, perhaps it would make sense for BITB to make it CLEAR on their homepage

It couldn't possibly be more clear than it is on the homepage. If you go there now, you'll see " NEW! Band-in-a-Box 2011.5 for Windows . If you look to the right, you'll see the MAC version is only available in the 2011 version at this time, not 2011.5. Two seperate products.

Back in the days when BIAB was listed by number, (8,9,10,11,12), instead of year, the MAC version was always at least one version behind. That clearly shows there is additional programing to be done for the MAC version. You can't blame PG for focusing on WIN since it accounts for about 90% or more of the market.

When I look at the programs on my shelf, all of it is Windows only, although you can buy MAC versions. If I switched to MAC, I wouldn't expect these companies to give or sell me a copy at a reduced price.

I feel your pain too, but PG isn't the one causing the pain. You aren't buying a software license, ... you're buying a program that is OS specific.

You've got a right to be frustrated, but your rant against PG is unwarranted, in my opinion.