Hi Bill........

Yep it ain't easy. Neither was learning to play the guitar, or trumpet or the keyboard, none of which I have mastered by any means. The bass being my highest area of proficiency has still not been mastered. Then I decided to start doing my own home recording. Mostly for the enjoyment I get from the final results, as well as the challenges that it forces me to overcome, by learning things that at one time I had never heard of. If it were easy everyone would be doing it.

Having acheived your position as an attorney, I'm sure you have overcome challenges much greater than learning a software program. I am often tempted to look at Sonar, cubase, etc, but since they all do basically the same thing, albeit in a differnt way, I would only lessen my time available for learning the PG products that I am just now starting to get aquainted with.

The learning curve is all part of it, many of the guys on the forum have taught me a lot, and I have a lot more to learn. I've had music therory since 6th grade, then high school band, then started learning the guitar and it wasn't until the guitar that I really became interested in what I was doing.

You either enjoy it or you don't. If you get enjoyment, you keep pluggin, if you don't, you hang it up.

Pretty simple.

Of course you could always try Songsmith. I hear it is about the easiest to learn.