Steve (Retake) & Kent,

Okay, you guys asked for boring details, so here they are. First of all, here's my disclaimer: I am not, nor do I consider myself a professional recording engineer. A real pro, like Harvey Gerst, may (and is welcome to) come along and correct any ill advised settings that I use. These settings are just what I have come up with, with a lot of trial and error, and the help of a few friends who have offered little tips along the way.

So here we go...

1. I use an Audio Technica AT3525, with a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB Interface. A MacBook running Lion, with LogicPro 9. All the plugins I currently use (and this can change from time to time) are standard plugins that come with Logic.

Here is the Vocal Channel setup, in order...

1. Channel EQ.
For my voice, I use Highpass Filter at 108Hz, 48dB, and a Q Factor of 0.51.
I have a strong, narrow cut in the lows at about 138Hz, -17dB, with a Q Factor of 13.0.
Then I usually cut mids at around 740Hz, -14dB, with a Q Factor of 0.39.
Finally, a Lowpass Filter at 8500Hz, 24dB, Q Factor of 0.10.
I play around with the other Parametric Bell filters, in a very subtle way. ALL of these settings are subject to change to suit my ears, and voice, depending on the genre. (I have a very midrangy voice, so this is what works for me.)

2. Compressor
Strictly set to suit the sound. I play around with this a lot, until I am happy. Don't want it sounding too "overcompressed", but helps even out the sound, and brings out some subtleties in there.

3. Pitch Correction
Only use as needed. Don't overuse.

4. Multipressor (Multi-level Compressor)
This is a 4 band multi compressor. Again, I use my ears to judge. With my voice, I have a lot of midrange that needs to be controlled down, and lower frequencies can muddy up the mix. So I cut the lowest freq (90Hz and down) by -6.0db, and on all the bands, set the threshold to just top off the level, and Ratio 3.0.
Band 2, usually 90Hz - 160Hz. Cut by -11.5dB...
Band 3, usually 160Hz - 4700Hz. Cut by -9.0dB...
Band 4, usually 4700Hz and up. Cut by -6.5dB
All of these settings are subject to change, from song to song, depending on the texture of the instrumentation I am singing to.

5. Delay Designer
Totally subject to the song.

6. Space Designer (Reverb)
Again, totally subject to the song.

My rule of thumb: I will set the delay/reverb plugins to where I can just hear them clearly in the mix, then back them off until they are subtle, and natural sounding (unless the song calls for more effects).

7. DeEsser
I use sparingly, trying to keep it natural sounding. This one changes from song to song, to taste.

There you have it! Boring details. And these are just "starting points". I sometimes use more or less plugins, just depending on my need in the song. Again, if any of the pros out there want to chime in and correct any of this, please do! (I always want to learn more, too!)

Hope you have a great day!


Steve Young
"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of." - Robert Schumann