followup to the "software for old guys" thought:

I've tried to get my Jazzer son interested in BIAB for years, and he has always declined, even when I offered to buy it for him. This year I sent him a link to the announcement of BIAB 2012 and asked him if he wanted it for Christmas...

he replied with an enthusiastic YES for the first time.

More than once over the past year when I played smooth Jazz and Fusion samples from BIAB, he commented that they sound better than his band. He's right, they do.

When I deliver it on Christmas, I'll take time to show him how to use it so he doesn't get frustrated and give up prematurely. He will be my first young person convert.

It has been said that a ship travelling at full speed takes time and distance to turn around. Paradigms don't shift quickly, but they do shift constantly. What was statistically true 5 years ago is not necessarily what will be statistically true 5 years ahead.

Real musicians of every age need BIAB and RB. They just don't all know it yet.