
...I am delighted with version 2012 particularly because several of the new features are a direct result of user requests made in the Wishlist and refined in the beta testing. PG Music is an amazingly responsive company to its users in this way, and they have earned my support for this reason alone.

I will fully agree...if you have a legitimate wish that can be accommodated in any way, then expect that PG Music will find a way to make it happen.

I have been pleased to find several of my suggestions implemented in the very next release. I even made a crazy suggestion one time that real-sounding Pedal Steel would never be achieved from MIDI, and would have to be pieced together somehow using real instrument sounds. Well, RealTracks came about, and Pedal Steel was one of the first RealTracks that PG Music offered!

You (in general) too can see your ideas implemented if you follow three simple steps:

1. UNDERSTAND: Get to know the software inside and out. Okay, you don't have the source code, but you do have the help files. Learn the software thoroughly so that you know both its capabilities and its limitations. This will help you in the next step. By the way, it doesn't hurt to learn about PG Music's market, both the competition and the committed user base (as discussed in earlier posts).

2. DREAM: No idea is too crazy to be considered, as long as there is a way that it can be implemented in the base engine. I never expected TC Helicon harmonies to show up; in fact, I thought that the whole idea of an audio track was crazy, but someone really wanted it, and here it is! Dream about how BIAB can be improved in order to simplify reaching some end goal, or how a wholly new feature would add benefit and expand the software's capability (and market share [would really be welcomed!]).

3. EXPLAIN: Use a pistol, not a blunderbuss! If you can't be specific, then go back to step one. Don't gripe at Peter if he doesn't respond because you are too general. Anybody can be a critic--it takes work to be constructive. Instead of saying, "The whole interface needs an overhaul..." say rather, "It would be nice if these items in this menu were grouped under a different heading like this..." Show that your idea can add value, explain it well, and your idea will show up; just wait and see!