BiaB overlays two common scale positions on the fretboard display: Aeolian and Phrygian. NOTE: do not confuse "modes" with "positions". A guitar scale "position" simply refers to the position of your hand, and has nothing to do with the diatonic mode of the scale you're playing. Having the positions visibly available for reference is a nice feature and all, but why are there only two positions?

Guitarists tend to play diatonic scales in a few different ways:

  • Scales that span 4 frets
  • "3 note per string" scales (spanning more than 4 frets)
  • Sliding scales (more than 3 notes per string)

There are, of course, other ways to play scales, but these methods are the most ergonomically simple to play, so they are the most common ways that books tend to teach people to play guitar. I tend to switch positions all over the place and I do not constrain myself to a certain area on the fretboard.

BiaB's Aeolian and Phrygian positions fit into the first category, since they span 4 frets each. There are actually 5 possible positions that span 4 frets each for all diatonic scales. So, my question is: Why is BiaB limiting me to only two out of those five? I like to play in all positions on the guitar, not just two.

For reference, the 5 positions that span 4 frets are:

  • Dorian (starting on 2)
  • Phrygian (starting on 3)
  • Mixolydian (starting on 5)
  • Aeolian (starting on 6)
  • Locrian (starting on 7)

An ionian position (starting on 1) or a lydian position (starting on 4) would give you a 3-note-per-string scale instead of a 4-fret scale, which is why they are not included in the list above.

Anyway... Is there any setting that will make BiaB show additional positions, or better yet, ALL positions at the same time?

If not, let me know, and I will add this to the Wishlist forum.
