I played assistant prof. this fall for a music appreciation class.

This was due to several factors:

1. The Doc who teaches it leads one of the bands I play in.
2. It was on my bucket list.

and there I was with 105 17 yr. old first year students. Wow. Classes were Mon. Wed. Fri. 12:30 to 1:30.

I got to explain chordophones, using a piano as an example, but did look at strings and I brought some digital photos of string winders in the piano tech department. Interesting subject.

As to lip vibrated aerophones I'm now doing that in 3 bands. Brute for punishment eh?

I know lots about guitars because my first girlfriend played the 12 sting, so on that baby you have more chances to make notes with adjacent strings. She also taught me a lot of the french I know.

I'm enjoying the concert band I'm playing in. We practise on Tuesdays 2 to 4, but have a concert every other Tuesday in some Nursing Home or Hospital.

I love playing the baritone. Most of the guys get a bit snobby and have to buy some compensating valve euphonium. Mine are more like a tenorhorn, but not like a horn horn or Eb.

If that makes any sense.

John Conley
Musica est vita