
Don't wanna hate on midi ,I have used sounds that worked . But in my opinion RT's sound better to me . I have and use some expensive VSTI's and no free ones ,also a MAC with Logic Studio Pro . All have some great midi sounds ,but pale in comparison to PG's new tracks . Logic has ton's of wav based loops that still sound better than their midi . I only say this because when I have brought tracks to sell at studios when it's midi based they say they don't want any Biab songs. When it's RT's they love it . Still only my opinion and people buying my tracks . Sorry if I have ruffled any feathers , I meant to offend no one .

to my ears, the difference between real tracks and MIDI is in the nuance...
with MIDI you need to either PLAY it into the project so that your technique introduces the nuanc... or you need to tweak the continuous controllers to approximate the subtle things a musician would do that an automated track does NOT do...

but the actual recordings of skilled performers already HAVE all that technique built in. Plus, the subtle differences in tone that happen with the various ways a string is plucked etc etc... all that is automatically a part of the real tracks.