
And THAT is why I shouldn't review bands.

no, that's why you SHOULD!

In a forum environment where it is good to build relationships with other members, it is not desirable to appraise other peoples songs with brutality. Negative observations can be made in small doses if accompanied by legitimate observations of the song's strengths (as Julie Andrews would say: "a Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down")

But outside this environment, when pursued as a real task of critiquing music, brutality attracts readers. People vicariously pile on when they read somebody's well-stated observation... especially if they made the same observation but didn't know how to express it.

Having said all that, its worth noting that a reviewer who only flings insults begins to lose credibility after about 3 columns. It is expected that someone who is savvy enough to know what's wrong is also savvy enough to know what's right. Pointing out both creates a basis for improvement and an awareness that with work it is possible to get praise.

The harsh remarks, on the other hand, do a good job of making the local wannabes aware that its not enough to show up and make noise.

You may be missing your calling Eddie. The rare combination of your musical diversity and your way with words positions you very well to write music reviews. If you get a foothold in local papers, you might be able to syndicate and make some real money.