My two cents.

Many of us have bought two upgrades per year for many years. This year may may be different for several reasons:

1. The later the upgrade the less value and time to learn.

2. Biab is now a mature product. The interface is perhaps overdue for an upgrade.

3. Real tracks are great but a point of diminishing returns sets in. Even though I have all of them I still can't find exactly what I want.

4 . This is a tough economy and money is tight. Not knowing if and when an upgrade is coming means users will find other items for their musical budget. INMHO NOT keeping loyal customers in the loop is a mistake. When I was in management I always kept my best customers in the loop.

This is still my favorite music creation tool but for the above reasons may take a pass on the mid year upgrade. My hope is that PG is waiting to do something dramatic.

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