
Couldn't agree more Notes. The problem is the new cars themselves. A friend has a 2010 Camry, it has bluetooth built into the stereo system. All he did was hit the sync on his phone and it's linked to the car as soon as he puts the key in the ignition. There's a couple of mics built in and the sound goes through the stereo. My Mercedes is a 2001 but even that has built in phone capabilities using steering wheel controls. The stock system is way out of date now but I can buy a bluetooth adapter that will do the same thing the Camry does. I suspect all but the most basic new car models now have this feature. That means nobody can tell you're talking while you're driving because the bluetooth earpiece is not necessary any more. How can the cops ticket that? They could investigate after the fact by pulling your cell phone records but not just driving around.


I think you're missing the point of having the built in bluetooth. Its illegal to talk on the phone only if you're holding it. Talking through built in bluetooth in your car is the same as having a conversation with someone sitting next to you and is perfectly legal otherwise car manufacturers wouldn't install it. Cops will only ticket you if they see you holding a phone.