Originally Posted By: aleck rand
Pat - are you sure this isn't code referring to a certain delicate subject that we've been batting around?

no connection to the other topic intended, although I suppose it works in that context too.

This response was based on the assumption (maybe an incorrect one) that your forum interaction is an extension of your musical style. In other words: It seems to me that you are a very experimental musician. You delight in seeing how to bend the rules and still make your contribution fit in a song.

Likewise, in the forum you recognize that the musical culture here is somewhat like an unfamiliar chord pattern, and you are experimenting to see what kind of solos will fit in this "song"

If I am correct in this assumption, then it boils down to your version of what all performing musicians ultimately have to figure out: "what can I play that will go over well with this audience?"

So all of my comments must be understood in that context. As a member of your audience, I have tried to indicate what works for me and what is over my head. It has nothing to do with appraising your work because frankly I am not educated in Jazz enough to offer a credible opinion about performance or technique.

I CAN, however, say what I like. And I like pretty much the same things that Floyd Jane likes (I suspect he's my long lost brother, and we were separated at birth, but that's a whole 'nother story)

I am impressed beyond words with your musical ability. I like the sense of humor you have used to accessorize your songs. I respect and even partly understand what you are doing in your songs.

I think the bottom line is that for me, music is less an intellectual pursuit than it is a pleasant distraction. The more I have to think about why a song is the way it is, the fun begins to erode in exponential proportion.

As a teacher, I would guess that for you music is indeed an intellectual pursuit. I respect that, but I don't identify with it. For me, music appeals far more to my emotion than to my intellect.


By the way, I liked your smoking analogy, but in the interest of filtering out the health hazard aspect, I think a possibly better analogy would be those cultures whose households prefer that visitors remove their shoes upon entering. In other words, it's all about etiquette.

And for this I finally have no comeback. You can't argue about etiquette. Every culture has its etiquette and this Forum is a little culture (or cult?) in itself.

in the context of etiquette, my comment to this song must seem impolite. If so, I apologize, for that is certainly not my intent. As stated previously, I'm only tring to let you know what works with this audience of one.

But as far as "losing" you with this little spoof tune Cerveza!, nah, you're much too savvy.

apparently not. ;(

True, it's highly goofy and I don't like the guitar sound with the pick, but we can all use a laugh every so often. But, if I'm wrong on all this, you can't argue with personal taste either. So your comments are appreciated under all circumstances.

I don't want to leave this discussion with the idea that I don't like your music. Far from it. Here's another comparison:
Imagine being at a party talking to a nuclear physicist. To the extent that he is willing to "dumb down" the conversation, I could probably talk to the guy. If he started talking about his career, I might even be able to appreciate his love of the topic.. but I would be hopelessly lost in any conversation about nuclear physics. Likewise, I appreciate your skill and humor and knowledge of music theory and of music history... But the things that REALLY interest you are over my head.

Say, how did those gigs go or how are they going?

the gig was a bit disappointing, but I learned some things and I will move forward with a revised goal.

When do we do our thing?Aleck

As soon as I have something ready, I'll send it to you. I'm not quite sure how to proceed though....

Last edited by Pat Marr; 06/12/13 08:46 AM.