3dB change = aprox 1.2 times Amplitude increase or decrease.

6dB = aprox 1.5 times

12dB = about 2.3 X

It is important to understand the difference between the terms, "Amplitude" and "Volume" or "Loudness".

Twice the Amplitude is not twice as loud.

That is because of the way the human ear hears things, favoring midrange frequencies over the other two extremes of low and high. Fletcher-Munson curve.

I'm going to post a link here that may seem daunting, try to wade through it anyway.

And, since the deciBel thing is log10, good idea to memorize the following mantra:

"It takes 10 times the Power to make a signal twice as loud."

Remember that for the next time that other guy informs you that his 200W amplifier is twice as loud as your 100W amp and just look at him and say, "okay" - and proceed to drown him out anyway by hiking your mids a bit.

