This should be my last 64 bit message.

1-I owe Mac an apology. According to J-bridge’s web site their wrapper will allow 64 bit VSTis to use all the available ram when used in a 32 bit program. Unfortunately it does not work when bridging Kontakt to BiaB, it freezes the computer. But then again wrappers do not work in every situation.

2-Even it did work we would have another dilemma. Biab only allows for one VSTi or DXi. So if Dr. Gannon and the other fine people at PGMusic decide to write a 64 bit BiaB I hope they ask for suggestions. I have a couple already. One would be to open up all 16 midi channels for us to use and the other would be to allow a different VSTi on each channel.

My goal this weekend is to move just enough each day so that no one pokes me to see if I'm dead or not.

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware