Originally Posted By: Mac
In the case of Band in a Box, I've noticed over the years that far too many view the program myopically, selfishly even, and thus wanting the program to only do the things that THEY use it for. And the others be damned.

Because when I buy something, it's more important that it's useful for other people, and not me. crazy

I really do get your point. But ultimately, it's up to the PG Music to decide what direction they take their product, and the market is constantly changing. And if the product doesn't do what I need, I'm not going to buy the product.

And yes... BiaB works best as an auto-accompaniment tool. For everything else, I go to my DAW.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?