Thanks Mac,

I am using a Sure SM7B. To me that is a pretty nice mic. They are very good radio mics. So if you are a talk show host there you go. I am not sure if they are the best for singing. But I saw a picture of one on the Cubase website I think it was. Just for looks for some page they made. I believe that is where it was. So I guess it could be pretty popular for the average everyday singer. It is a 350 dollar mic.

I haven't used a De-Esser yet. I should look at that Compressor Expander I think. So I guess you are saying there is a De-Esser on that also. I will check into it. I am sure my S's could be fixed up some. Tonight I wasn't singing much. I was playing around with this Casio WK-3000 Keyboard I bought on Ebay for 130 dollars delivered. I just ordered some new Midi cables for it. I had some but only found one. Looked for a long time for the other one. So I just went to Monoprice and they are only 2 bucks and something cents each. Shipping is cheap so they were 7 dollars for the pair. I will have to work on the piano playing. I am not a pianst yet but taking the thing to my parents house and playing some chords and working on some arpeggio wannabe classical improvisation I fooled them into thinking I actually could play lol. The truth is I can't play any of the Great American songbook or any other song I really want to play. I am just starting out. It's all coming together. By the time I hit 50 I will be a virtuoso!! and the Sinatra's redheaded stepchild!