Originally Posted By: pedwards2932
My ears are getting old and need some reassurance smile

That's what the user showcase forum can be used for. Simply ask for detailed crits on specific areas of the song, mix, production. We have several folks here who can and will give you more details than you probably want to hear.

I used this very method in another forum to learn the things I have learned. Let others with sharp ears, observational skills, and more experience than you, point out issues or confirm your own suspicions.

More than once I heard something in one of my mixes, thought it wasn't a big deal and didn't need fixing. And that was the very thing multiple people pointed out that needed to be addressed. Having others review your songs and production keeps you from getting sloppy and lazy.

Everyone likes the reviews that say "Hey, great job" .... but the ones I value the most are the ones that point out things that I either missed or tried to sweep under the rug. I don't grow in my skills with pats on the back.... I grow when I'm confronted by the things I didn't do to my best ability.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 11/22/15 06:01 AM.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.