It was indeed a band name.
Then it became simpleton guru ..

People remembered the names .. isn't that what band names are supposed to do?

I once went to a guitar clinic by a well known (internationally) guitar player.
After the clinic there was the obligatory line of people parading by to meet him.
Just as this one younger group walked up one of them said "Hey, there's one of the Simpleton Guru guys, we were at your show last night.".. I got a funny look from the clinician and always wondered if he went home and Googled to see who I was .. he kept looking at me funny for the rest of the time he hung around.


I think the name being easy to remember helped.
/I didn't particularly like the Nomad Janitor name at the time, but it worked.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome