Originally Posted By: jazzmandan
However, the associated MIDI with the RT piano is NO Supertrack.

Remember when I made the comment about how complex midi is?

Think about this question for a couple seconds then read my answer.

How do you think the midi file was created from a Real Track?

Done? Ok.

The RT is recorded in a studio on a regular acoustic instrument, in this case a grand or upright piano. This is a standard piano, NOT a midi controller. The midi file was created by a couple of folks right here on this forum who listen to the performance and MANUALLY TRANSCRIBE BY EAR the notes into a DAW. There are NO controllers including velocity, sustain, volume or anything else. These transcriptions are ONLY there to create a Real Chart so a user can read the notation and see what the performer played. That's it and is a classic example of not all midi files are what you think they are.

There are tons of absolutely brilliant commercial midi's that you have to pay for. You can listen to demos, read all about how they were created and figure out if they're right for you or not. The key here is PAY FOR. You can do that or...

Turn yourself into Notes Norton and spend 20 years making yourself a world class expert in this stuff. The problem with all of us here including me is we're cheap. We're also nerds to one extent or another and want to do it ourselves. We see all these websites with hundreds, thousands of free midi files and go ha, great here we go I'm gonna have some fun. We go into this thinking I'm smarter than the average bear, I can figure it out.

Not so fast Grasshopper.


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