Originally Posted By: jazzmandan
The transcriptions do not always match the chord charts and the real issue for me is the timing does not match what is heard in the RT.

Right and they never will either. The reason is a chart taken from midi notation cannot capture all the fine nuance of the performer's playing plus of course maybe the person doing the transcription missed something. Think of this in the reverse. You give the score of the 9th Symphony to two world class orchestras. You might think they both would play it exactly the same because after all here's the original score, everything is precisely written out with all the expression marks, timing marks, crescendo, decrescendo all of it. Yet there are very famous recordings of that piece done by the most famous orchestras in the world with big name conductors and they're all different. Why? Because those orchestras and conductors are all human beings not computers reading the score.

Back to the RT's. AFAIK the best consumer level software available cannot capture the fine nuances of a pianist playing an acoustic piano even if it's a Disclavier. The performance is being converted to the midi language and no way will it match perfectly. The finest schooled musicians in the world can notate that RT performance to the best of their abilities, give it to another great player and that player is going to interpret it their way. Will they hit all the notes exactly as written, yes. But the overall feel is different in many subtle ways. You might not be able to describe it but you sure can hear it.

Now some of the Supertracks are really good. The problem comes when you go to edit one. As soon as you start changing something you lose some of the original feel because you're not the player, you're sitting at a computer looking at a piece of software trying to make your changes fit and you think something is missing because it is.

I'm starting to ramble again because this is such a deep subject. The point is you can realistically only go so far with a midi version of a Real Track. The better player you are, the better you know how this all works the better your results will be.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.