Yes I know but I'm pretty sure that's simply not possible because everything Biab does is midi controlled and I suspect all the midi resources are being used already. Plus of course the overriding thing is it's been clear so far that they have no interest in turning Biab into a DAW even if it were possible. Why? Because of RB. Could that change, sure it could PG will do whatever they think is best for the company.

Years ago when RB first came out all this was discussed to death including very long threads discussing the pros and cons of doing a complete merge of Biab and RB so there's only one program. Basically a 48 track Biab with all the full DAW functions. The overall consensus was a program like that would be so complex that literally nobody could work with it. Real Band alone was PG's answer instead of expanding Biab.

When folks say they already use a good DAW and they're not going to learn another one then all I can say is you're losing out on all this stuff you're asking for. There are reasons why people choose one program over another and this is a reason to choose RB.

As for RB not being available on Mac, when folks buy the Mac version of Biab they don't realize what RB is capable of and what they will be missing. Why? Because so few people on this forum give RB a second glance. It's "just included" so they think it's some little throwaway program they really don't need. Imho, if you're a Mac power user who understands all these recording concepts then it's a mistake to buy Biab for Mac precisely because you're losing out on RB.

Of course everyone is free to keep making their wish suggestions but there's a pattern here. Once RB came out, that's been the answer.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.