Originally Posted By: Hugh2
Hi Joanne,
Thats a very interesting reply on Melodyne,
1.When you export the midi file of your voice to BIAB will the resulting real track backing tracks be specific to you?or could anyone sing to the same backing track taking into account the Key of the singer once you have it created?
2.Does the quality of the singer effect the midi your sending?i.e If a poor quality singer like myself sings the song will the midi be also unusable for a good quality singer if you get my meaning.
3.Does the Pitch to midi in BB do a similar thing?(i think thats what its called)

Also Could you do a blog on that subject pretty please.....if you have the time..
Thanks a mill

Melodyne is a pitch correction program that is also the best audio to MIDI converter that I have found. If you have Melodyne Studio you can convert polyphonic instruments to MIDI, the less but still expensive version will only do monophonic. I use it at times to take a rhythm guitar part, convert it to MIDI then have the MIDI play another instrument in unison with the guitar. I also use it to change timbres, pitch correction, adjust vibrato, etc.

Now to your questions:

1- There is a big difference between Realtracks and MIDI. Realtracks are professional players that play what they want to play to fit your song/style. They will not play what you have as MIDI notes. You must use a MIDI sound source to play a MIDI track. Both are valuable but different tools, much like a hammer and a wrench.

Anyone can sing along with a monophonic track. To help singers I might play the lead line in MIDI, assign a vibraphone to it and have it playing softly in the background as the singer sings.

2-The answer to this question is yes and no. When using a pitch to MIDI program you should not have any effects on with your voice. Effects like reverb, delay etc and mess up the conversion. Also avoid pitch bends, but these can be added later as MIDI is much more versatile to Realtracks when it comes to modifying a track.

Thus don't worry if you sing off key. Melodyne can easily correct those notes so they are perfect. It can also correct the length of the note if needed. When finished you will have a perfect track for your singer and/or any instrument.

3-I haven't played with BiaB's pitch to MIDI in a long time so it might work. Just give it a try.

One final word on pitch to MIDI programs: none of them are always perfect. You may have to do a little editing with the final MIDI track. Like I said I have found Melodyne to be the best but occasionally I have to do a little editing, but much less editing than any other pitch to MIDI program that I have tried.

My goal this weekend is to move just enough each day so that no one pokes me to see if I'm dead or not.

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware