Originally Posted By: Tangmo

I wrote a lot of songs with extremely limited knowledge of theory. I think I could have written a lot more (and better) if I had at least known what rules I was breaking.

Some people say that rules are meant to be broken, and music is one thing you can apply that to. For the most part you have to rely on your ears, but there are guidelines to follow.

Music theory can be as complex or simple as you make it to be. I was kind of surprised myself, and I thought that BIAB should have more tools supporting theory.

I'm kind of on the fence with this one because there are so many resources already out there. The chord builder is kind of primitive and should be improved to include something like the circle of 5ths.

Your best bet is to probably find a good VST for that. The plugin that I use when I want to go with something complex is Liquid Music, or I might fire up EzKeys.

It sounds good, but I just don't think BIAB needs it. I don't want to sound pretentious, but do you really have a BIAB that doesn't know theory.

I mean to say that if you can't join that band, and also bring some musical value to the table, then perhaps there is a reason they call the basic version "pro."

I think PG has some other programs that help out with theory, perhaps you should look at those. There are also some Mac products.

Windows 10 build 16299
2018 Ultra
Intel i5-3550 @ 3.3GHz
p8z77-v pro
Roland V-Studio 100
Alesis VX49
