It always seem to boil down to which is 'better', Biab or Realband. Guess it's the way you work to solve this issue.

As Cubase user since Atari days (Pro24 then, and audio came with the Falcon), i never liked Realband, or powertracks as DAW very much. Why? Probably the interface and some working routines are quite different. Especially the editing of MIDI data seem to me a bit like it's still in its KinderGarten days.

I must say RealBand intrigues me because of its music generation & creation capabilities, and more available audio tracks. As such i still plan on taking a deeper dive down with it, alas sort of scared of them possible sharks hiding in troubled water. But for now i am more familiar with BIAB, can shoot faster with it. Used it for so long now.

PS luckily PG gives as a choice by offering both ..... and maybe RealBand holds the real Trump card. Call me a PG fan. F