Originally Posted By: Robertkc

"broken in
knocked about
worn razor thin
but not worn out"
Love that, and all the finely drawn images that let you know the experience behind the message.
I don`t listen to much country but a good write sticks... listening to your first verse I flashed back to Guy Clarke`s "Stuff That Works"- this is up there with that craftsman.
I agree with all the good stuff others have noted about your vocals,Janice`s harmonies, the arrangement and production values.


Robert - thanks for the nice comments. A reference to Guy Clark's work is humbling...

Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Great halcyon imagery, and the usual accompanying musical greatness.

TM - thanks for stopping in....

Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hi Janice & Floyd ...

Such minimal background yet so full. Takes some real talent to accomplish that. Love the originality of the lyric. The opening really caught me as my father played professional baseball for three years (minor leagues for the Cardinals - never made the "show" as he was injured and that ended his career in Double A). I could relate to that entire verse on a very personal level. And, you had me from there.

And what a privilege and honor it must be to have Janice on the BG vox. There's no better harmony singer on the site that comes to mind.

As always, your mix is superb. And your vocals ain't to shabby, either! Great stuff, you two. What a treat!


Alan - Thanks for all of that! Cool that your dad was so close to the bigs...

It is ALWAYS a pleasure to have Janice join me on a song...