I've got a confession to make and it comes with an almighty apology to anyone who has been following this thread.

I've just discovered how LANDR knew that the sax Realtrack was performed by Eric Marienthal.
When I originally posted the track on the PG Showcase forum, and on Soundcloud, Facebook and Bandcamp, I hadn't actually submitted the release to Landr.
I had it open in another tab on my PC ready to submit but I wasn't sure about naming Eric as a collaborator or not.
I had him pencilled in on the submission form but I meant to delete him after receiving advice from other Forum members who recommended that I shouldn't name him as it was not necessary, and could actually be counter-productive.

I was then interrupted by some other tasks and you guessed it, I submitted the release without first deleting Eric as a collaborator.
Hence the release being delayed and me receiving the email from LANDR.

Call it old age, stupidity or whatever you like, but I'm afraid that this is all my fault and I'm the victim of my own making.
So I've now sent a grovelling apology to LANDR advising them that I had named Eric as a collaborator in error. I've now deleted the original release request and re-submitted it without any mention of Eric Marienthal, and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the release will now pass their review.

Once again, I apologise unreservedly and I will update this thread just as soon as LANDR either release my song, or ban me forever for being a complete tool !

Last edited by Andyman; 09/13/19 04:22 PM.