I am hoping some experts can help with a problem I have with Reaper. I use Reaper to drop in my Band in a Box tracks for mixing and editing. I would like to use my arranger keyboard (PA900) to add pad sounds and percussion to my BB arrangements recording in audio not MIDI. I connect the PA900 to my interface and I can play some things I want to do in real time while monitoring my BB tracks. However, many of the sounds I want to use, such as those from the PA900 multipads and styles, are tempo-based loops. No problem, I can just set the same tempo on my PA900 as my BB project.

But the trouble arises when I start the recording since there is always unwanted silence in the beginning of the track and it will not match the rest of my project. How can I quickly and easily remove the beginning silence so the resulting audio from my PA900 will match my project? I have tried zooming in and deleting the silence, but it is still just slightly off. I assume there must be an easier way? Some keyboards have a sync feature so that the recording starts when you touch a key (no silence in the beginning) but the 900 does not have this.