HI as you have rebuilt windows7
I am fairly certain you will have to rerun the installer from your BIAB folder.
To set it up in Windows 7 with fonts and other bits
I would do this in compatibility mode for an older version of windows as it will be well pre W7

Not certain what the installer EXE file is called but you should be able to identify it by its name (do not try to use the ordinary bb.exe that is used for running the installed program.
Some one may be able to help with the installer name.

Last edited by Mike Head; 10/15/19 12:00 PM.

BIAB2021 UltraPlus,AsusN55S1Tbssd, W10/64,Akai EIEpro
Yamaha CVP405,SquireStrat, CoolsoftVMidSynth
Novatation Impulse61 Ctr kbd, Cwalk blab Kontakt
