Dear Loren,

reading one of your comments (which, in fact, is a far too profane expression for those artificially turned linguistic masterpieces)is always a real treat, no matter whom they are adressed to.

But, of course, it's especially thrilling to receive one of them yourself - couldn't imagine anyone wouldn't be excited.

And this one is not only thrilling, it simply makes me blush, so thank you so much for your incredibly nice compliments that mean even more to me as I know you're a great musician yourself..

Well, the good ole'USA - in fact I've never been there and to tell the truth I've only spent 8 or 9 holiday weeks in European countries where English is spoken in my entire life. But I've always loved the English language (maybe I do now more than ever), started early to occupy myself with American comedy (you know Tom Lehrer was and is my Lighthouse of Humor) and then there was all that incredible music fom the UK and the US (ha, don't forget Down Under: Easybeats, 10cc...).

I really consider myself blessed to be able to combine these three favorites of mine by writing and producing songs and trying to put some funny videos together. And the very best thing is that I can do all this together with Maha.

I'm very much pleased that you like our 'stuff' and (just for the record smile ) there will be more coming soon.

Thanks again for your wonderful comment.

All the very best to you,
