Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Floyd,

there's more than just one simple truth being shown with this song:

- You're an exceptional songwriter
- You're an excellent vocalist
- You're a most tasteful arranger


- You hve incredibly nice friends.

A very appealing song, no frills, just 'the song'. And as always Janice makes it shine even more - you two really go together so well...

Liked it a lot.

Take care,


Thanks for all of that, Stefan!!

Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
The vocal performance is so deeply heartfelt and moving (along with the lyrics). Simply beautiful!

Thanks, Scott!!

Originally Posted By: Deej56

Heartfelt tune with your usual stellar production. Nicely done!

Hope all is good in your world,


Appreciate you stopping by, Deej...

Originally Posted By: musician17
If I ever get married, I want this song played at my wedding.

smile That's a nice sentiment, James. Writing a good "wedding song" can be a big deal... there's lots of money in the sales of sheet music...