Dear Torrey,

it's great to have you finally back here on the forum - I do hope your break wasn't do to health reasons or other nasty stuff.

Thank you so much for your awesome comment on Ain't Got Time - I really appreciate it a lot, and you know that this is even more the case as I admire your work so much.

This is (plwase believe me!!!) not for getting another positive comment, but since I know that you like uptempo stuff like a Blues Rock Shuffle and a funny video, too, you might want to have a watch at the last thing I posted while you were off the forum (Floyd said that it was the best one so far): If The Phone Don't Ring (You'll Know That It's Me). I'm pretty sure you will enjoy that one, too.

Thanks again for your very knd words that really made y day.

Really looking forward to you next song !!!!!

All the very best,
