Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude

This is great, Robert! As always your lyrics are top notch. Favorite line among many:

"death seems like a music box
with a handle I can`t turn"

Vocals sound good, and Scott always comes up with nice, melodic lines to compliment them.

Enjoyed the listen!

Thank you, Dave. Scott`s melodic demo would have made a lovely instrumental on its own, so I`m grateful he was willing to encourage the adaptation into song.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
"to me this life`s a river wild
I drown as I learn
death seems like a music box
with a handle I can`t turn"

Your lyric sense amazes me. Always unique and interesting.

A heartfelt vocal, perfectly suited for the subject. As are the backing tracks.

Scott's guitar fits nicely.

Another "thought provoking" listen...


I remember wondering at the time if those lines didn`t put too much of my own philsophy into something intended as condolence, and also the encouragement to go deeper into songwriting I received from the response.
I really appreciate your listen and kind thoughts.
