Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hello Dave,

I installed CLA Bass yesterday and it's really good - thanks for the hint. Just bought Waves Vocal Rider which is highly recommended and might solve my personal problem of singing too dynamically (if you want to express that fact euphemistically...).

Gonna check out the other plug-ins you mentioned soon, too.

Have a nice weekend,


Hi Stefan,

I’m happy you like CLA Bass! And yes, Vocal Rider is a great plugin, I almost always use it in Chris’s vocals. I’ve used it on a B3 track too to tame some of the dynamics.

Hello Dave,

I managed to buy the CLA signature selection which contains all (or modt) of the plug-ins you mentioned for 55 Euros yesterday - about the equivalent of 2 pizzas and a couple of beers in a mid-price Italian restaurant cool That was quite a batgain, I think...

Thanks a lot for your hints.

Have a great day,
