Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Dave, Chris, Marty...

Oh. Yea.

EVERY part of this is EXCEPTIONAL. Pro level all around.

Bass - Wowser.
Guitar - As good as it gets.
Drums and organ - wonderful as always.
Vocal - Out. Of. The. Park.
Mix - Stellar.

Chris' vocal is awesome. You must have used something new and magical to process it...it seems to be somewhere just above my head AND all around me - bright and bold, sitting "up front" and "tucked in the mix" at the same time. Extraordinary.

Blues does not get better than this.


Thank you, Floyd! Man, you have no idea how much reading comments like that mean to us smile

For the vocal I went back to the same signal chain I’ve been using for the last year or so (I deviated slightly from that for the last song we did) which is basically the saturation, eq, compression, and de-esser modules from Nectar 3, followed by Waves Vocal rider.

The output from that track gets routed to a separate reverb bus and a separate delay bus. The reverb bus uses the reverb module from nectar 2. The delay bus has the waves delay plugin followed by the reaper compression plug-in sidechained from the main vocal which really brings down the delay while the vocal is active. I control the excessive delay tails via volume envelopes.

I would never claim to be great at mixing but I’m old and retired so have lots of free time on my hands to dedicate to experimenting with stuff :p