Charlie, I think you are spot on with regards to new users. The OP asked how something rather simple was done in BIAB and the thread turned into a multiple choice quiz for workflow.

I was a DAW man before I ever heard of BIAB, but even then the answer to my questions was essentially "change DAWS" and/or "spend money". IMO, the only thing a user of BIAB needs to spend money on is a better bank of sounds for midi than came with the computer. No midi? No more money. If a newbie to music production is having trouble doing something in BIAB, then the answer to that problem is showing/telling them how to do that thing in BIAB.

The PG FX plugins are excellent for basic music production. Bouncing tracks is a great way to build songs and has the enormous advantage of refusing to let (illusory) perfection be the enemy of good. And Track Clutter in a DAW is more daunting (to me, at least) than building a song from the basics up. which is the basis of mixing in BIAB and enhanced with RB. As often as not, I'm bouncing tracks in a DAW! Even with unlimited tracks. I despise endless tweaking.

Nothing wrong with discussing more advanced alternative work-flows, but maybe it's not kind to respond to BIAB questions with a maze of work-flow non-answers. Besides, nothing work-flow related helps anybody make better music. Nor does spending more money on FX or other software. At BEST, these things may only help make it sound better...if one gains the experience of using it.

BIAB, on the other hand, does help anybody make better music.

Hang in there, Charlie.

Last edited by Tangmo; 05/09/20 08:05 AM.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD.