Hi, Noel.

Melodically, this is different than other things what you've done, in that it's a bit more rhythmically driven.

The minor/major works seamlessly. As you said, it gives a nice lift to the song.

I didn't hear a change in feel at the transition at 3:35. There's a shift in rhythm at "So" that feels a bit like a lurch like might be handled better - a drum fill or something.

Good and interesting lyrics, although the some language felt a bit dated, sort of of early 70's. (I say this with some irony, as I'm certainly not hip to the language them youngsters use these days).

I know what you were going for at the end, but it didn't work for me - it felt like it was running out of steam, especially the last cymbal hit. I'm sure that others will - rightfully - disagree. smile

So that we're clear - I liked the song! It's always good to hear what you're up to, and I appreciate hearing the thought process behind the song. laugh

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?