Originally Posted By: chulaivet1966

Even though I'm no audience for this genre or type of song I gave it a spin.

The tempo change did not work for me at all.
It's a slow ballad sort of song and the (any) tempo change is awkward and doesn't add anything to your effort.
If I were asked I'd say leave it at the 100bpm.

But...it's your song so good luck with your recording.
Just being candid....hope that helps.

Have a great day....

Thanks for listening to my song even though it's not a genre that you prefer listening to. I appreciate your suggestion to leave the bridge at 100 bpm, but that tempo doesn't do justice to the lyrics, IMO. So, I'm convinced that something needs to be done to address this issue. I'm sorry that the tempo change I made in my previous demos weren't appealing to you, but perhaps one or both of the two new demos I created with triplets for the bridge per Cathie's suggestion will be. Here's the links, which I'll also be including in my reply to Cathie below:

https://youtu.be/QeHWYLTDh-s (triplets on vocals only)

https://youtu.be/4qNwQhcABwY (triplets on vocals and instruments)

Tom Levan (pronounced La-VAN)
BiaB 2024 Win UltraPAK Build 1109, Xtra Style PAKs 1-11, RB 2024, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Intel Q9650 3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD & 2 TB HDD, Tracktion 6 & 7 (freebies), Cakewalk, Audacity, MuseScore 2.1 & 3.4, Synthesizer V