Originally Posted By: swingbabymix
Ember - PG 音乐

I'm the latest version.
But I do lose it easily. I guess it's because you're typing chords.
Many playback software is blank space
When I finish typing chords, the space plays
Will be automatically deleted? I haven't found the reason yet
I remember sometimes it disappears without pressing the space.
Can we make input a better way
Or design a lock, which will be locked after input, so that the keyboard cannot control writing
If you want to write, open the lock
Do you think so?

Just out of curiosity, have you tried reinstalling the latest patch?

If not, here is the most recently released patch to the public:


I mention this only because when there's strange behaviour sometimes a reset to factory defaults for the program or a reinstall of the same patch can fix the issue. Based on what I know of the program though, chords typically don't vanish unless it's an entry error of some kind - so that does make this problem a bit perplexing. However, when there's a corrupted file somewhere Band-in-a-Box can have strange behaviour that doesn't line up with what we typically expect from program behaviour, so just having confirmation that this step has been taken is useful. A foreign keyboard has been ruled out, so that's good. You mentioned using Studio One as your DAW that you are using the plugin in - what version of Studio One are you using in specific? I can see if someone on our team has the same version and can test it for the same behaviour. Also, when you are finished entering the chords, are you hitting the space key, the enter key, tab key, are you clicking outside of the cell when you're done, etc, or are you just manually pressing the play button on the GUI?
