Hi Floyd, Brad and Rob,

I'm late again with my respones to you. Sorry, I was so busy on a song and forgot everything. Not so polite though.
Thanks for your very nice mails. I know you had a hard time with listening to this Dutch language. I think, for you it could have been German, Arabic or Ukrainian as well. But there are some differenses...

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Hans & Anne-Marie,
A nice collaboration.
Good backing tracks. Strong vocals. Excellent BGVs.
Nicely mixed, nothing out of place.
Well done.

Loved touring your country a few years ago (by bicycle).
We were there during Koningsdag...
Keep 'em coming!

Hi Floyd, thanks for your expert opinion! I remembered you were biking in the Netherlands and you even were in Haarlem. It was a pity we haven't met. I could have treated you to bitterballen with mustard (our famous snack, to eat with a beer), while talking about music (or so). Now Koningsdag turned into a cold experience. The weather is for some years mostly bad that day, sadly enough.

Originally Posted By: Brad Williams
I ditto everything said here. Didn't understand the words, but sure liked the sound!

Hi Brad, wasn't it compulsory to learn Dutch in your schools? I didn't know that smile
But thanks a lot for your nice comment!

Originally Posted By: RnAM
This is well written and well sung Hans. A melodic and nostalgic song. Your vocal style and intonation make me think of Thé Lau from the Dutch band The Scene.
I think Anne-Marie's backing vocals added a sweet dimension for sure :-).


Hoi Rob, Anne-Marie is some lady to be proud of; stubborn, very persistent and also very skilled and with a beautiful voice. Enjoyed working with her! I must admit I haven't heard much of The Scene and Thé. So I listened to him/them on YouTube. I think I know what you mean. But here I sang more modest, so to hear.
Thanks for your nice comment. Maybe we'll do it again, after your musical tour with Cohen songs!

And have a very nice weekend, the three of you!

Hans Berkhout