Hi all,

I haven't posted in a long, long time but I have checked in from time to time. The quality of the song recordings keep getting better.

I'm back in the studio and well into recording an Americana-tinged album.

My first release is You Have to Like Lonesome. I wrote it, with a bit of lyric help from my friend Ron Beliveau,last year. From start to finish, including a guitar vocal demo, the entire session lasted 90 minutes. I revised a few words but that was it. Quite the exception to the rule for my songwriting labors. The BIAB arrangement took a lot of time, as I had a hard time finding the right feel for the song.


2903:Bass, Acoustic, BluesyPopByron Ev 100
2906:Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm BluesyPopMike Ev 100
3162:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopHeldEmbelBrent Ev 100
3162:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopHeldEmbelBrent Ev 100
2935:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkPulse8thsFintan Ev 110
FunkyGroove60s^1-a: Snare & Tom , b: 8ths Hat, Snare

Thanks for checking it out.

Update: I remixed the vocal to add more reverb. Floyd and other forum members, thanks for the advice. It does sound better. I have updated the file on the Bandcamp link above.

Last edited by fgrittner; 10/24/22 03:50 AM.

Fred Grittner
2020 iMac, Sonoma, Logic Pro