I understand what you are saying ZZ, but also with all respect, you are missing the point. BiaB was never built as a recording studio type sequencer. It was designed to arrange accompaniment tracks automatically by style sets, and a recordable track was added to accomodate folks who wanted to add one audio track to the arrangement. The solo and melody tracks can also hold some stuff but were developed to add generated solos and melodies. One of the key features that BiaB has that is very different from recording studio software is the ability to rearrange the file everytime you hit play. That is fundamental to what it is, and also very unfundamental to recording in general.

Realband however is a new product based very closely on Powertracks, and for all intents and purposes it is Powertracks, a true recording studio software package. It was build from the ground up as a recording studio with 48 tracks. It has some of the BiaB arrangement features added so one could open BiaB files, and generate RTs and RDs in the tracks. But it has all the same features as PTPA, including the tracks view and the Mixer view. It has all the effects and slots for mixing and processing that a true studio needs. It is a full on recording studio audio/midi sequencer, and BiaB is not. I truly doubt PG plans on morphing BiaB into one program with PTPA, cause they already have, and it is called RealBand. I suspect that the development for RB and BiaB will continue for years to come. BiaB will continue to develop as it has in the same direction. BiaB is used both by those who use it to auto arrange by style and those who use it to generate live backing tracks. Rb will slowly develop as a full fledged recording studio, with some nice basic arrangement features. Really bringing both worlds together, and PTPA will most likely stay a simple easy lightweight DAW.

So BiaB is a arrangement program with limited recording capability, and Rb is a recording studio with limited arrangement capability. I beleive the drop and drag features bear out that the two shall remain the same for at least a long time. They have built a bridge for the two to meet at.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.