BIAB is the best that is out there for what it does. The chord structure orientation is the only way to go.

However, I have, for years been wanting more from BIAB in several ways. The frustrating part is it would seem to me to be simple to add some great features to BIAB.

First, higher resolution on drum parts. Of course, they have gone the realdrums route, but MIDI is still very useful to me still, so the higher resolution on drums would be helpful in creating better drum parts.

Second, and this is my BIG wish, why not have, say, 4 more instruments? They have addressed this issue somewhat with multistyles, and being able to change styles about any way that you want to. But if you had 4 more instruments you could really build advanced styles in a direct and simple manner. To make this work as desired you would need to add to the chorus structure. I would like a verse/chorus structure where you could specify in the stylemaker that this instrument came in on the 2nd verse, the 3rd verse, or the 2nd chorus, etc..

To be fair, the BIAB people are moving somewhat in my direction, just taking a more complicated approach, in my opinion.


... just one man's opinion ...