Hey, thank you very much for the listen and the suggestion Tommy. I've been fighting with learning this mixing stuff for a while now, so a lot of my problem may just be inexperience and lack of talent, but I will start looking into what you suggested. I think I've got a decent mic, so maybe something like that Isotope Nectar will help. Thanks.

B.D., I appreciate you taking the time to give it a listen and your suggestion. I'm going to try that too. If I can bring my skill level up it may save me a little money!

So glad you liked the song Dan. I used a lot of reverb on the fiddle and a little on the steel to try and help with that lonesome sound. I thought it came off pretty well with the fiddle, but wasn't so sure about the steel.

Thank you very much Anne-Marie for giving it a listen and your kind words of encouragement.

Thanks a bunch Bass Thumper, and by the way, I've been listening to some of the stuff you've posted since I've been gone, and it is coming out great. I've really enjoyed the way you've been thumping that bass lately in particular.

I'm sure glad you stopped by and gave it a listen Dave. I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the suggestions. $30 or so shouldn't break the bank.

Thanks for the listen Hans. I'll give it a try!

I appreciate you giving it a listen Torrey, and I hope your album is off to a great start!

I hope you had a great Birthday Janne! Several in my family were born in October too - me, one of my sons and my mothers all fall in that month.

Thanks for the input TuneMonger. Yeah, I didn't want to get too personal with it. After all, none of us have a corner on the "hurting market". Pain is something everyone deals with, and I was hoping that by not getting too specific it would make the song more relatable. Because it was such a quick write and dealing with my personal feelings at the time, I decided to toss it at first.

Floyd thanks for the comment, especially coming from a writer as good as yourself - that means a lot. I was wondering about that tempo. I thought it may sound better a little slower, but was afraid that would drag it out over 4 minutes and make it boring. You're probably right though.
